Alzheimer’s Disease & World Alzheimer’s Month

A woman and her adult daughter sit outside and wtach the sunset

Getting to the Truth: What Is Alzheimer’s? Alzheimer’s disease, or as it is commonly known, Alzheimer’s, is a degenerative disease that affects the brain. Alzheimer’s can have a devastating impact on the brain’s capacity to function normally, producing memory loss; behavioral changes; and interfering with one’s ability to perform even the most basic daily tasks […]

Active Aging for Seniors in Leesburg, Florida

active aging hearthstone fl

Aging in place is an immensely popular term these days and a concept that a majority of older adults are embracing. After all, when you or a loved one has owned a home for so many years, where it can be difficult to leave the comfortable and familiar. Downsizing also may need to be considered, […]

Top 6 Signs Assisted Living Could Benefit an Older Adult

A woman takes a walk int eh garden with her nurse

The decision to start a conversation with your parent or loved about the benefits of moving to an Assisted Living is not one that comes easily for most adult children or family members.  It is a paradigm shift in most instances where the person who may benefit from theses services has always been the matriarch […]